Nemesis All-in!

Nemesis PRO
3 min readJan 21, 2022


Message from our lead developer DREX — 21/12/2021

After couple of meetings with the team, we have come up with set of ideas to carry the Nemesis platform further. All of your suggestions and critiques made on our Telegram and Discord channels until this day duly noted by the Nemesis Team and these ideas now shaped our short, mid and long-term plans. Still, we are and we will always be open to discuss them further with our community.

Nemesis All-In

This will be our motto for the upcoming months. It means, we will use all of resources (which we have plenty) to the very end to move and develop Nemesis Ecosystem further.

Website Improvements

Addition of the “Calculator” and “Wrapped sNMS” features hold utmost importance on our to-do-list therefore we have already started working on implementing these features. We have planned to deliver “Calculator” and “Wrapped sNMS” features within a week so if you have further suggestions for the website, feel free to poke ‘Icey#7336’ on Discord, as he will be working on website improvements from now on.

Nemesis Ecosystem — A Token to Rule Them All: NMS

Unlike 99% of other development teams, we are not going to bounce from one project to another. We are aware of our responsibilities and liabilities for our investors. That’s being said, any future product (either a co-product of Nemesis or a totally new project) developed by Nemesis Team will be only released under Nemesis Ecosystem. This will create a never-ending loop that will be feeding our mother token “NMS” forever! What’s more: We are planning to release our first Nemesis co-product on January and its details will be released right after NYE.

Such future products will include but not limited to: Co-products adding gamification features to the Nemesis platform, NFT oriented products, Layered Farming or a totally new project following the latest trend on block-chain world. And, as you may have already guessed, you will be the only ones who will be getting the whitelist spots on these releases.

Christmas Buyback and Burn Event

To start with we have decided to allocate 500,000.00 USD from the treasury for the Christmas Buyback and Burn Event. Starting from today, 50,000.00 USD worth of NMS will be bought from the market daily (on random times for 10 consecutive days) and will be burned for good.

Considering current metrics, this will not only boost the price by 15% but also decrease the total NMS supply by 4%-5% during the event. Future “Buyback and Burns” will be decided by the community when governance system got implemented.

🔥 First Buyback and Burn 🔥

🚨 2nd part of the announcement will be made by Arwand, covering team news, information on upcoming AMA session with our family and of course our upcoming marketing plans.

Best Regards,


