Family AMA Session, Roadmap 2022 and Upcoming News

Nemesis PRO
2 min readJan 21, 2022


Message from our CMO Arwand Madison — 21/12/2021

Hello Nemesis Family,

Before starting my words, I would like to thank our awesome community, you guys, for all the pure support and trust since from day 1, which is very special for us and really can’t explain with words the encouragement it gives to team. I remember stating on one of my announcements as “our strong community will be ray of sunshine even on most challenging days!” and this was exactly what was happened last two challenging weeks, very special, feeling very proud of you personally and very excited when looking future at the same time. For this reason, I wanted thank all of you guys for the excellent support and being with us since from the beginning.

Today, I would like to update you regarding the details about our family AMA session that will be done on Thursday and some upcoming updates arriving soon, so let’s start:

Family AMA Session

Date: Dec 23rd (Thursday) — 18:30 PM UTC


Total Prize Pool: $1000 NMS

This AMA is being hosted by Nemesis Team and it will consist of 2 stages.

Please prepare your questions and get ready for the ride everyone.

Top questions will be selected and answered by the team.


Part 1: Live Q&A Session on Telegram (Prize: 5 x 100$)

Part 2: Questions over Twitter (Prize: 5 x 100$)


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  • You must tag our twitter page (@nemesis_dao) and use following tags in your tweet: $NMS $TIME $OHM #BSC $BNB #Certik

We really believe doing AMA with family is very necessary and it’s also requested from our members as well. For this reason, we have decided that we do this every 2–3 weeks to share ideas mutually with our family and answer their questions, meeting with new joined members and answering their questions as well so the main idea here is to improve the interaction and engagement between team and our family, sharing our ideas mutually in an interactive way, being in the same page, same mindset while proceeding further.

Best regards,

Arwand Madison



Nemesis PRO
Nemesis PRO

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